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Magic: The Gathering Foundations

Whether you're taking your first steps into Magic, finishing up your Standard deck, or diving deep into Modern, Commander, and more. Magic: The Gathering Foundations is where to start playing.

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Magic: The Gathering Foundations brings a new way to introduce Magic players to the Gathering. Whether they're just getting their first taste of the game or looking to dive deeper into Standard, Commander, and more, this set is the place to start.

MTG Foundations Prerelease is November 8th, 2024. With an official release date November 15th, 2024. Good Games is a Wizards Play Network (WPN) Partner. This means Good Games can get every product right into players' hands starting at Prerelease (November 8th), from singles to full display boxes.

Interested in a Prerelease event? Checkout our events page closer to the release for more details.

The Beginner Box contains the essentials for any players' first games of Magic, including two different hands-on guided deck experiences, reference booklets, playmats, and Jumpstart packs for an easy way for friends to jump into the fray.

The Starter Collection holds everything a players need to build their own decks, an astounding 350+ fixed set of cards, storage box, and clickwheel life counter sets the stage for a player to craft decks for their favorite formats, from Standard to Commander and beyond.

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