Good Games is excited to share with you our spoiler for Commander Masters – one of the best board sweepers ever printed in black!
A Commander staple, Toxic Deluge is extremely playable in any and all black decks at a casual and competitive level. Having only one black pip as a casting requirement also means it’s easily splash-able on top of being one of the cheapest Wrath Of God effects. On top of that, it’s extremely flexible: it gets past pesky indestructible creatures, and if your board is tougher than your opponents, you can easily pay just enough to make it one-sided!
You can even get creative and turn the life loss into an advantage you – look to cards such as Vilis, Broker of Blood to turn Toxic Deluge into a draw spell!
Or, if you have Mortarion, Daemon Primarch on the battlefield, you can easily be the first to rebuild your board with an army of menacing Astartes Warriors!